What do I need to do in order to succeed with finally starting a new, small, photography business? I'm going to try this.
I'm going to coach myself like I would my adult education students. If I even thought to myself, at work, "You are such a loser for quitting school years ago - why are you bothering to show up today?" I would very quickly have no more students. They would be able to smell that a mile away and they would scatter. I am not going to do that to myself anymore. I am going to remind myself of all my students who somehow managed to graduate despite barriers that I probably will never have to encounter. My main barrier is simply a lack of confidence, not the homelessness, hunger, domestic violence, etc., that my students have to deal with every day.
I am going to begin writing something about photography as often as I can - every day if possible, but if I don't do it every day that's ok. Also, this afternoon I am attending a workshop where I will get a free Metrix license. Metrix is an online learning system with nearly 7000 courses related to business, IT, and even some photo stuff. Again, I have had a Metrix license at least twice before and never took advantage of it - maybe because I just needed to call and get one, because of where I work. Today I am attending the workshop like a regular person to pay my dues and today I am going to choose my first three courses, the first of which I am going to start tomorrow.
Also tomorrow, I am going to write about my Metrix workshop and the courses I will take. For now, it's off to chores, a Home Depot run, and then shopping for my daughter's graduation!